It’s with great pride that I am presenting you this new 2020 Edition of the Annual Mobile Marketing Barometer published by the Mobile Marketing Association France (MMA) and which I did coordinate. In good English we would rather say “2020 State of Mobile Marketing in France”. Report is published in French though but thought I could share with you some highlights.
But what is it really? It’s an annual report that provides, with data (and that’s important), key facts and figures about Mobile Marketing in France, and how it compares to other countries. It also gives a good prospective as it usually (whenever possible), show the evolution throughout recent years.
This report is the fruit of 4 months of work with key players on the French market, all experts in their domain. It is indeed a strenght of the MMA to regroup all that counts in terms of companies in the French Mobile ecosystem, French or not. In this case, the report provides data from:
- AF2M (Mobile Operator association): stats on SMS usage and mobile payment through DCB
- App Annie: World leader in providing stats on Apps
- Groupement CB (French #1 Bank Card Scheme): stats on mobile payment, especially contactless and main mobile payment wallets awareness
- Comscore (US company on audience measurement): stats on eCommerce (and place of mobile)
- Digital Virgo (through their Subsidiary Addict Mobile) with stats on advertisement cost for mobile
- Médiamétrie (major trend analytical firm): on mobile usage trends
- Numberly: with great data on email usage on mobile
- SRI: the French Syndicate of Internet Media Buying agencies
We all know the growing part of Mobile in our daily life, but being able to put figures next to it and seem them evolve accross the years give critical insights for all digital marketers, and more particularly if you are in eCommerce.
While the full report (62 pages) as a whole is reserved to members of the MMA – France, some information was made public (see below published infographics). Here’s a highlight:
- 77% of French population (above 11) is using Internet through its mobile
- 88,7% of which are using it on a daily basis or almost
- Four categories of apps dominate the sector and are showing sharp usage increase: Communication, Social, Video Players & Editors, games.
- App downloads is still increasing in France, with 1,9 billion apps downloaded in 2019
- 57% of emails are first read on mobile
- SMS is an increasingly used method of communication with consumers, with 6,7 billion SMS sent, up 21% YoY
- 70% of digital advertising is done on mobile
- 29% of mobile users have made a purchase on their phone (eCommerce) in the past month
- 15% of Bank Card holders (CB) have used contactless payment through their mobile phone in past 12 months.
So what does it say, in short? That the French digital economy is definitely mobile first, which has strong implications regarding your digital strategy. Do you think mobile first in your eCommerce site, do you think SMS as a way to communicate effectively with your customer base, etc.?
The full infugraphics below. It’s Mobile Marketing, even in French, shouldn’t be too difficult to understand but if you need help, please reach out.

Being at the heart of the French Mobile ecosystem, at the forefront of newest trends and technologies is really the essence of Odeosis Consulting and to my participation within the MMA. Not to mention that I have been part of the Mobile business ecosystem since 2004 when i joined Gameloft, French World Leader in mobile gaming.
And now that Mobile and e-Commerce converge, we must strengthen our efforts to ensure mobile converts much better, that innovative mobile payment solution are better known and used by consumers and corporations. Many initiatives left to be done!
I currently help many players in the mobile ecosystem opening new markets, getting new customers (in content publishing, payment, fraud, etc.).
If you need help better understanding the French mobile ecosystem, getting in touch with the right people, or developing your business in France, don’t hesitate to reach out!