On February 25th, the French ACSEL (French Digital Association https://www.acsel.eu/) published its results about the last survey on French trust in digital. Despite an increase in usage (+ 5 pts for eCommerce and + 15 pts for e-banking), in 2019 French trust in eCommerce stagnates at 58%, barely 5 pts more than in 2009. Fortunately, those numbers didn’t impact the performance of eCommerce over past years, on the contrary. The French eCommerce association FEVAD reports that eCommerce as risen from 55 billion euros in 2014 to 92,6 billion in 2018. See the FEVAD report

Security factors as main pain points
Amongst the main factors explaining this lack of trust in Digital are the fear of piracy and of identity theft. They rose respectively by 8 and 6% from last year.
But willingness to share personal data
What is encouraging however, is that 63% of surveyed people are ready to share personal information to secure their transactions (increased by 5 pts since 2017). 59% are willing to share to simplify form filling on web sites.
The article mentions France Connect as a solution to log in, especially for e-Administration. It is worth mentioning that for other digital services, the new services offered by French Operators “Mobile ID” go in the right direction. They indeed request consumer’s approval to use their personnal information (in most cases) to secure transactions or to improve their customer journey (Form ID service). See my article about the launch of Mobile ID by AFMM / French operators.
Full publication by ACSEL can be seen here (in French only): https://www.acsel.eu/barometre-confiance/